Sabja Seed Benefits: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Food Uses


Sabja seeds – also known as basil or sweet basil seeds, are oval-shaped, tiny, black-colored seeds from an aromatic herb. They are extensively used in the food, pharma, and cosmetic industries, owing to their exceptional functional properties, excellent nutritional value, and significant health benefits. Therefore, sabja seeds are widely known as the “King of herbs”.

Sabja Seeds Vs Chia Seeds

Sabja and chia seeds are often confused because of their appearance and gel-forming properties.  However, they have some distinct differences. Here are the differences between Sabja seeds and chia seeds:

Sabja seeds
Chia seeds
The chia seeds background. Healthy superfood concept | Flickr
Native to India, Africa, and Southern Asia Native to Mexico and Guatemala.
Seeds are black Seeds are a mix of white, black, grey, and brown.
Swell faster and become larger when soaked in water Take more time to absorb water and form gels
Added to tea, juices, smoothies, ice creams, etc. in the gel form. Added to beverages and ice creams in the gel form.
Can also be sprinkled directly over puddings, smoothies, ice creams, etc.
Known for their cooling and filling effects Known as energy boosters
Rich in fiber, high in antioxidants, contains protein, iron, calcium, and essential fatty acids High in omega-3 fatty acids, rich in fiber, a good source of protein, and contains antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, and iron
Boosts digestion and relieves constipation, helps in cooling the body, supports weight loss by providing a feeling of satiety, promotes healthy skin and hair, and may help control blood sugar levels Supports heart health, aids digestion and bowel regularity, helps in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness, provides sustained energy, and helps in reducing inflammation

Key Nutrients in Sabja Seeds

The nutritional composition of sabja seeds varies based on their cultivation location. Indian varieties are particularly rich in nutrients, including fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.

Fatty Acid Composition g/100 g
Palmitic acid (C16:0) 8.0 - 9.2
Stearic acid (C18:0) 3.6 - 3.8
Oleic acid (C18:19) 10.3 - 12.3
Linoleic acid (C18:2n6c) 23.6 – 26.0
Linolenic acid (C18:3n3) 49.3 - 52.4
Palmitic acid (C16:0) 8.0 - 9.2
Sabja seeds are a good source of dietary fiber and non-starchy polysaccharides like cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, giving them significant potential as a natural prebiotic.
Amino Acid Composition g/100 g
Aspartic acid 1.45
Serine 1.00
Glutamic acid 3.16
Glycine 0.89
Histidine 0.65
Arginine 2.05
Threonine 0.60
Alanine 0.80
Proline 0.66
Tyrosine 0.52
Tryptophan 0.96
Valine 0.77
Lysine 0.54
Isoleucine 0.54
Leucine 1.13
Phenylalanine 0.93
Cysteic acid 0.58
Methionine sulfone 0.90
Sabja seeds contain high concentrations of proteins, including most of the essential amino acids, making them a high-quality protein source.
Mineral Composition mg/100 g
Iron 8.73
Zinc 5.52
Magnesium 293.0
Manganese 1.95
Potassium 481.0
Sodium 2.01
Calcium 636.00
Sabja seeds are a good source of minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals are important for managing diseases and overall well-being.
Fatty Acid Composition g/100 g
Palmitic acid (C16:0) 8.0 - 9.2
Stearic acid (C18:0) 3.6 - 3.8
Oleic acid (C18:19) 10.3 - 12.3
Linoleic acid (C18:2n6c) 23.6 – 26.0
Linolenic acid (C18:3n3) 49.3 - 52.4
Palmitic acid (C16:0) 8.0 - 9.2
Sabja seeds are a modest source of omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid, linolenic acid, and oleic acid. They can play a natural preventive role in cardiovascular disease and other health problems. The antioxidant properties of sabja seeds are attributed to phenolic compounds(orientin, vicentin, and rosmarinic acid) and secondary antioxidant metabolites (carotenoids, volatile oils, etc).

Sabja Seed Benefits

Sabja seeds are nutrient-dense and offer numerous health benefits, making them great additions to your diet

  • Weight loss: Sabja seeds are rich in fiber. When soaked in water, the seeds absorb water many folds greater than their weight promoting a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating, and cravings, and reducing your overall calorie intake. In addition, omega-3 fatty acid enhances fat-burning metabolism which can aid in weight loss. 
  • Aids digestion: Soaked Sabja seeds promote digestive health, reduce acidity, support a healthy gut environment, aid in bowel movement, and relieve constipation.
  • Skin and hair health: Sabja seeds are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E which protect against premature aging and dullness, improve skin elasticity, and restore hydration giving you healthy, youthful, and radiant skin. Additionally, the nutrients can stop hair fall, encourage new hair growth, and cure dandruff when the powdered seeds are applied mixed with oil. 
  • Management of blood sugar levels: The high Fiber helps to delay glucose absorption and rapid spikes in blood glucose levels after meals. Additionally, it may enhance insulin sensitivity, allowing cells to utilize glucose more efficiently. This property is crucial in diabetes control and reducing associated complications.

How to incorporate sabja seeds into your diet?

Sabja seeds can be incorporated into your meals in many ways. 

Sabja water: Soak 1 - 2 teaspoons of sabja seed in a glass of water and allow it to form a gel. This can be taken as is or the gel can be added to your favorite smoothies, juices, or puddings to enhance its visual deliciousness and satiety, and acts as a source of fiber.

Pudding with fruits: Soak sabja seeds in milk. To the gel add some chunks of seasonal fruits, chopped dry fruits, dates, and nuts to make a delicious pudding. It tastes best when served cold.

Oats pudding with fruits: Soak oats, and sabja seeds in milk overnight. To this, you can add cut fruits, nuts, and dry fruits. You can sweeten the pudding using honey or dates.

As a Source of Fiber: Powdered seeds can be added to bakery products like bread, bun, cookies, etc., as a source of dietary fiber. Furthermore, the final baked product will have a higher content of fiber, omega - 3s, proteins, and other nutrients

As a Thickening Agent: Sabja seed gels can be used to thicken your sauces and soups.


Optimum nutrition is important to promote overall health. Sabja seeds offer a range of nutritional benefits owing to their high fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and essential minerals. Incorporating sabja seeds into your daily lifestyle can offer several health benefits, including aiding digestion, promoting skin health, supporting weight management, and reducing the risk of diseases. 


1. Are sabja seeds safe for everybody?

Sabja seeds are generally considered safe for use across different age groups. However, it's advisable for pregnant women, women planning to conceive, those nearing menopause, or those experiencing PMS (premenstrual syndrome) to consult a doctor or nutritionist before using sabja seeds regularly. This precaution is due to sabja seeds ' estrogen-lowering ability. Estrogen plays a crucial role in reproductive health by supporting pregnancy and promoting egg growth in the ovaries. Consulting a healthcare professional can help ensure safe consumption based on individual health needs.

2. Are there any side effects of Sabja Seeds?

There are a few potential side effects when consuming sabja seeds:

  • Consuming sabja seeds without adequately soaking them can pose a choking risk. 
  • Some can experience allergic reactions like breathlessness, itching, etc. 
  • Sometimes sabja can react with blood thinners or diabetic medicines. 
  • Excessive consumption may lead to estrogen imbalances in some women.

It's important to exercise caution regarding these side effects and consult a doctor before consuming sabja seeds regularly. This is especially crucial if you have underlying health conditions, are taking medications, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Proper consultation with a healthcare professional can help ensure that incorporating sabja seeds into your diet is safe and beneficial.

3. Are basil seeds good for hair growth?

Sabja seeds have high-quality protein which can prevent hair fall, encourage new hair growth, and positively impact hair volume. Oils infused with powdered sabja seeds can potentially treat dandruff.

4. Sabja seeds or chia seeds, Which are better?

Both chia and basil seeds are nutrient-dense and offer numerous health benefits, making them great additions to your diet. While they have some differences in their nutrient profiles, incorporating either or both can help boost immunity, promote weight loss, and support overall health. 


1. Calderón Bravo H, Vera Céspedes N, Zura-Bravo L, Muñoz LA. Basil Seeds as a Novel Food, Source of Nutrients and Functional Ingredients with Beneficial Properties: A Review. Foods. 2021 Jun 24;10(7):1467. doi: 10.3390/foods10071467. PMID: 34202798; PMCID: PMC8303141.

About the Authors

Dr. Satish Madiraju, a renowned cardiologist is passionate about consumer heart health and is on a mission to prevent a million heart attacks. He shares his expertise not only on heart health but also on leadership, digital health, and improving patient experience.

Dr. Florence Suma is passionate about writing creative, clear and well-researched articles. With a Ph. D in Food Science & Nutrition, she provides reader-friendly articles that are reference-backed and adhere to the ethics of writing.
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